Sunday, December 16, 2012

A little update on things

Here’s my to-do list:

  • Meet with organizations to get buy in on my Ranch Sheep Project
  • Get sheep
  • Meet with a local trainer to both use her sheep and maybe buy them
  • Get back in touch with Nathan, who says it’s time for return to Adelaida, and he’s been using his puppy a bit so that might be really fun

So, as I last left you, I was working on getting my own sheep. I was asked to come to a meeting of The Ranch Development committee to present my idea, and pretty much had them excited the minute I opened my mouth. (Background, The Ranch is leasing the land that I got married on, owned jointly by the Jewish Community Center and my synagogue, to develop its unused acreage as both a fundraising ranch and educational opportunity for disabled youth and adults – my project would be part of that.)

What became a flock of five sheep with a small breeding program to restock them, me working them, and maybe letting other people have a shot, became “You are now the chair of the Animal Husbandry Committee!” They were firing off wanting turkeys, goats, chickens, horses . . . and while that is pretty neat (my own ranch without owning it), it was also not something I was prepared to be responsible for. Realizing the amount of space they wanted this stuff to be on wasn’t going to work, I sat down with my drafting stuff (yes, I have drafting stuff – when I was a little kid I REALLY liked designing floor plans of homes) and did some calculations, with room to grow and sent it to my friend who was like, “Woah, woah, woah, let’s just start with sheep.” Which is pretty relieving, as I’ve got a big pile of work in front of me in the meantime.

The cool thing about the project is that I’ve been kicking around the idea of doing kosher laughter lambs either at Adelaida or somewhere else and The Ranch was super on board with it. We’ll see if that pans out in the future.

Anyway, so now I  need to meet with the “wheat gal” and figure out the layout of the pens and then, as my husband says, “I got a hankering to pound some t-stakes.”

So that’s where we’re at. We’re in the middle of hiring and business trips so I haven’t really had time to visit Adelaida or hook up with the gal I might buy sheep from, but we’ll see.

Just thought I’d give you an update.