Friday, December 26, 2014

Gratitude and we’re trial ready.

I have to start this out by sending some public love. It’s 2015 in a few days and the perfect opportunity to bask in the achievements of the year. For 2014, there were many, and not just in dog stuff, but we’ll stick to that because that is what this blog is for.

I will continue to shout it to the heavens, but we are never solely responsible for our own successes, ever. When I look at where I was last year, and where Rippa and Fury both were, I’m just floored.  And this is not because I’m awesome (in fact, in many ways we’d be even better if I was more awesome), but because people found it in their hearts to take me.

First, to Kathy Warren for recommending me go to Stephanie to rent sheep. Had I not known about her, the rest of this would not have happened.

To my husband, who was a massively supportive champion. He told me to get over my insecurity about contacting Stephanie and try again, his efforts prior to that in finding me land to get sheep, his efforts to find me cattle when I decided it was time, his building the duck pen with me, and his blessing of us financially and time-wise because both have been major sucks when I could have been doing a million other things with both.

To Stephanie (Operation Sheepdog) for being a good friend. Moreover, for trusting me and teaching me to relax about hurting her stock. For her patience when they did get hurt – she’s never yelled or nagged, she’s just simply told me about it and trusted me to take care of it going forward and I am so appreciative of that.

For the million other things she’s done for me from book recommendations on stock handling  to taking time to talk to me about finance, wealth, and utterly changing my mindset about that. It’s not necessarily stockdog stuff, but I think because of her setting me in the right direction, the huz and I will take our unique ability to handle risk and do some incredible things in the future. And I’m also grateful to her for not being disappointed in me buying a house instead of investing it like the plan. A lot of mentors would see that as an apprentice failure, but she’s great specifically with taking you where you are and realizing you have to make your own mistakes and forge your own path (or build your own life because I don’t think the house was a mistake, and I doubt she does either). 

Stephanie also enabled me to stop stressing about stockdog resources because her setup is great, affordable, and a beautiful (if not a bit of a drive) location. Instead of needing land RIGHT now and taking what was good enough, I was able to make other choices that are more right for my husband and I (I’m glad we couldn’t get the house with the land that I at first wanted – I am enjoying my new Los Osos house a lot more).

To Jennifer (Best Family Farm), who again, has been an amazing, loyal friend and to V, her daughter, who is as well. Jennifer supporting my having ducks on her property enabled me to learn so much more about them and make leaps and bounds in handling because of it. It also reminded me how much I love animal husbandry and while I’m not the one that takes primary care of them, it’s a taste of it. The fact that I’m not is also SUCH a big gift on the part of their family. To both Jennifer and V for letting me ride Lady and Maddie, because I haven’t done so in years and that reminded me of that part of me that’s been dormant for years. I LOVE working with the horses and my friends and I especially love riding with the dogs because I feel like I’m fulfilling something in my heart and in the dogs’ hearts about being a part of the west and that experience.  I only hope that in the future I’ll be able to give back to them as much as they are giving to me.

And to Shannon and Dustin (DSW Stockdogs) – I know when I showed up at their place I was nervous and stupid and stressed out because I didn’t want to look like a fool when I showed up. My friend Dom kindly pointed me in their direction and he gets a shout out too. Along with Stephanie and the Bests, they’ve become some of my best friends (I see them way more than any other circle of friends so it seems natural) because it’s not just about dogs or what kind of dog I have or anything. It’s because they're good people, fun, and so hospitable that they’ve opened up their world to me – with patience and smiles and OMG their adorable son (also, I must say that Shannon is a fantastic baker).

I think the Woods have given me back the original reason I’ve gotten into this stuff in the beginning. They’re pretty urban where they live but they’re ranchers, too. Things make sense because they make money doing it, because the relationships are worth it, and because the life they want is there for the taking. There’s no need to prove oneself or get into fights about anything because they’re just doing their thing and they’re good at it. From parenting to stockmanship, to just living – seriously, guys, you’re amazing – and they’re younger than I am. Infinite potential for joy, success, and abundance and you can literally feel it emanating from the trio of them.

As I was driving from sheep to ducks today, this combination of people and their allowing me into their life has me thinking big thoughts – not about winning trials – but about what I want for the future and how to get there, and if you know my huz and I, it’s not a far-fetched dream.

Deep gratitude for you all for sharing your worlds with me this year. I cannot begin to tell you how much I have profited from it on so many levels. Hope this doesn’t embarrass you.

So, now that I’ve gotten the love and sap out of the way, we’ve got about a week until the first trial I’ve entered in something like 7 years (Sunday, Jan 4). Stephanie has been encouraging me to enter sooner, and the Woods are shocked that I think I’m ready – of course, the Woods are used to cattle dog trials where the beginning ranks are still very experienced, in my opinion – close to finished, dogs. I just need to get stock out of a pen and get through two panels and put them back in the pen.

I was stressing it last week because of what COULD happen, and so have been practicing the take pen since I don’t do that a lot. Stephanie, if you will remember last time, told me to chill in there and Rippa would relax. Well, she did. I really liked her advice about not stressing that her take pen was so tight – that means at the trial Rippa will be LESS stressed because it will be a bigger pen. Of course! Another duh moment.

On cattle this week, we basically just ran some practice stuff. Shannon told me to do two things:
1 – I yell my commands like they’re corrections so stop doing that. Give the command like I want to give the command, and THEN verbally correct if I have to.
2 – Make sure I have Rippa’s attention and anticipate trouble before it happens.
Both are duh, but I needed it.

Long story short on #2, there was a discussion on a cattle dog group about the difference between BCs and Aussies and one thing that was pointed out that I don’t think I’ve ever noticed before was that Aussies break contact with the stock for a second and look back at the handler for (or to confirm) commands. I will say not ALL the time, but watching videos of Rippa, sure enough that happens. It made me realize that many times, Rippa’s not blowing me off, she’s just so intent on the stock she’s not hearing me – so I should be patient and figure that’s it.

And I did. The runs went pretty well – a couple things I liked:
- Rippa heeled appropriately again. I wondered where it had gone because she’s a strong heading dog and when she loses control she tends to grab body shots, but I know she heels too. The cattle got balled up in a corner and she had enough control to walk up, look at me for help, and when I told her to hit them, she hit tentatively  - it worked, and then she hit for herself when she needed more and we were out f there. Nice and low on the hock and not getting excited after.
- I lost the cows in one corner because of the draw of the gate. I totally wasn’t THINKING about that and I was like, “DUH! Bad Kristin!” So the second time we pulled a parallel drive to get them through the corner they were drawing away from. I held them at the eye and Rippa pushed the rear. Worked great and reminded me how to handle again.

I left with a pretty solid strategy there for the cows.
I was stressing sheep and ducks, though, because Rippa has power and take pens aren’t always clean.
So my husband wrote on my hand:
And that was the plan today.
Guess what? It worked. We sorted sheep at Stephanie’s in record time, got them into the take pen, and worked on being quiet there first. Rippa, remembering how cool cattle heeling was, would do it to the sheep a bit in the tight spots but really easy. Even if a sheep turned to face her, she would hit it on the poll or nose, but really gentle – HUGE EVIDENCE THAT IF I AM CHILL, RIPPA IS CHILL.

We did a couple laps of her field and went to ducks.
Same thing with ducks. Only a couple issues with Lucky Duck when I worked her back in with everyone (the first tries were with my most happy 3 black ducks) because she’s more tolerant of the dog from being a backyard duck at my house for a while. As long as Lucky isn’t in the draw, no issues (even then, all I need to do is not let Rippa get too much pressure on her and she’ll be easy).

Rippa’s attitude these days is if I will calm down and shut up, she will happily do her job. Over handle or get angry or confuse her and it’s over. She’ll either quit and come suck up to me or she’ll take it out on the stock.

This forces the Kristin to become very zen. WHich is something Kristin should do anyway and is a major life goal for 2015 (to specifically work on that) – it will benefit my dog and the stock, as well as everyone else who deals with me.

Stockdogging for a better life.

Final thought – everyone keeps talking about me wanting to win it. This is something I’m going to guard very carefully for any time I exhibit in the future. I do not want to win. I do not care to win. I care to qualify and I care that my dog makes Aussies look good. That’s why I waited this long to trial and that’s why I’ll wait longer for the cattle trials. My goal here is to show people that Aussies are legitimate stockdogs and not just for hobbists. In ASCA, there’s no money, and often no real trophy, so all the standings and merit in the world doesn’t matter. I need the titles for legitimacy, but even then, working cow-calf pairs in the field works, too. That’s the goal. Eff winning. I will not get into that mindset because then my ego’s stuck and I’ll get stressed out.

No. My goal is to make my dog’s heritage proud.
I’ll write again after the trial. See ya!

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Playing with the toys and it takes a village

So, in the last two weeks – it’s been raining a lot.

One time, the Woods forgot I had lessons with them in the morning and when I showed up (I usually check, but Shannon was totally like WE’LL SEE YOU WEDNESDAY, so I didn’t) they were gone. Happily they trust me enough to just go work the cows myself. We got them off the hill and into the arena and I didn’t really have too many goals with her except to just let her work cattle. We’ve been working on tweaking a lot of finite stuff so I basically just wanted her to have some mileage on them and get more and more confidence. About a quarter of the way into the work, I started trying to pen them in the middle and MAN that was hard.

These are calves and not SUPER human/dog broke so they’re not super happy about fetching to me or my pressure OR Rippa’s, so getting in the right spot to get them in was rough. Rippa’s not super sharp so hitting the sweet spot where she’s right AND I’m right was rough.

I was pretty happy because she’s working quiet now and without a lot of commands, she’ll read the stock and do whatever. Got some good hits in there (both ends – and more excitedly, she hit low where she needed to on the heels, which makes me feel pretty good about the body shots being an insecurity thing and not her real toolbox).

And then we finished up with just putting them back:

Pretty good – some stuff I’d like to go different for both of us, but as Shannon said last time – leaps and bounds! You like my angry batman voice? Hey, it works. I have to wean myself off it, though.

It’s been raining a lot here (yay) so this week it was just sheep and goats. I worked the round pen with Rippa and the goats to refresh her mind and get her a little sharper on commands as well as going to the fenceline to stay off them. My handling’s getting better, but definitely needs some improvement.

Took CA Sharp and Kira to sheep at Stephanies and Roland was there (remember him from my ducks) working through. When it came to my turn, I was stressing because when people watch me, stuff falls apart. Moreover . . .


We spent some time working on fetching and outruns and commands and then turned to the take pen. In the trial, I’ll need to send Rippa in to get her stock. I’m not worried about trialing on cattle at all – but sheep and ducks I am. She tends to bite (aka, THANK YOU – end of the show) in stress situations (aka, if I am stress or she’s feeling out of control) and I do NOT want that to be what happens first off. I’m in there trying to get that worked out and Stephanie’s telling me to get out of my side, stand up straight, and then Roland comes over and physically shows me like, STAND UP STRAIGHT and that works. I’m so busy standing up straight and not intimidating Rippa that she’s not stressed. So if I trial like I have a stick up my butt, you know what.

We’ll need to work a bit more on this before the trial for sure.

I’ll also need to start reading some more sports psychology stuff and staying with the meditation practice I have. And, if all else fails, there’s always shots.

I kid.

Kind of.


Here's everyone and their dogs.

Dustin sent me home with toys to work on, too, and it’s been fun. I build a little pen, shake them up, and then set them up as they end up:


In this case, I think a (counter clockwise) Way To is a good idea because the leader stock (cow and sheep are already facing that way, they just need a push.


In this case? A go by (Clockwise).


And then this one made me talk to my buddy Amy Bradley and look up the stockdog rules. If I left the dog there and stood behind the gate, they’d just pop out. Can I do that?

The answer is, yes, I can do that. it might not be ideal, but starting nice is better than not and then having drama the rest of the time.

I’m going to spend the next two weeks working on being the most quiet, trusting handler I can be. I watch videos of myself and cringe. I could get so much more if I just chilled.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Duck Husbandry and Philosophy

I have ALWAYS loved taking care of animals. I’m not sure what it is about me, but people feel hardwired to be a certain way, and my way is – without a shred of doubt – super agrarian, and moreover, shepherdy, not farmy.


I  do garden, but I don’t spend a lot of time REALLY caring about the garden. I water, I weed, I see what comes up, I work slowly to get better at it, but I’m not 100% there.

But animals? Yes, I am. Growing up we didn’t have 4-H or anything like that, but had we? I’d have filled my backyard with all the things I have now and moreso. Mom, can I have a goat? PLEASE? PLEASE? PLEASE? I kind of feel like that now, but with a balance of wanting freedom to leave and go on adventures without being saddled to the animals.

Shannon and Dustin (along with meeting Brad and Alana Holstein) are showing me I can have my animals and my freedom and not necessarily live on a ranch to do it. Both of this couples manage land and stock off their own property and despite everyone telling me it couldn’t be done around here, it is. It’s all a very good education and whether it comes to fruition or not, I am working quietly on learning how to “farm out” livestock for fun and profit. Funny how I went to school for this and yet the animal science classes taught me nothing and made me feel like it was hopeless. School, clearly, isn’t the best avenue for all things you want in life, right?

One of the first steps to this was getting the never to ask my good friend Jennifer if she’d be up for housing my ducks on her property. I don’t go out every day, so I’m definitely adding to her chore list. She gets duck eggs out of the deal, but it’s not 100% a fair trade, though I suspect her motivations are much like mine, and I think the whole family appreciates them, too.

So I’m not taking care of them day in and day out, though I feed them and whatever when I do visit (I try for at least once a week, but lately with work and guests it’s been hard), but they’re still a good learning opportunity for me.

When I first got them, I really didn’t know if or when to work them, and they would get really stuck in the house and not want to leave. Kathy told me to feed them in the field and put a pool out there, which I did and it helped.

Since then, I guess I spend a lot more time wondering how to get the most out of them – and sitting in the field just watching them do their thing is about as good as praying or meditation has ever been for me. It’s as good as sitting on the top of a mountain with a friend after a big climb (I’m into rock climbing). But it’s effortless. The choice to sit in a field with ducks in the morning is a stronger draw than anything else in my life right now.

So, as I sat there letting the duckies play in their mid-field pool with Rippa on a downstay for a half hour or so to make sure they ENJOYED being outside their pen before we moved them, I got to thinking.

If I ever give lessons, I’m going to force people to spend time with the stock themselves. I feel like all this time working on my own has made be understand them better and empathize with them. Having my own ducks makes me understand their motivations and how to move them (sometimes just removing pressure is all you need), and also what they want out of life aside from not getting trampled by dogs. Some of the more valuable stockmanship I got from Kathy was her asking me to feed her animals when she was gone and moving around in there just interacting with them. Moreso with Stephanie’s sheep when I have to sort my own – I learn personalities, motivations, and reactions.

The more you work with an animal the more it becomes part of the equation for you. It’s not just about you and the dog, it’s about the lives that come between you in the moment. Their fears and hopes and what you can do to entice them. A good quiet work helps them achieve their own goals (of not getting eaten, left behind, or starving) just as it can your own.

(Here, the ducks want back in their home and away from the squeeze job of both me and Rippa. I’m PSYCHIC.)

The longer I do this, the less I want to be a part of the “dog” culture and more I want to be just in the fields tending my animals. Everybody gets into stockdogs for their own reasons – but I’m pretty sure I know why I’m here, and it has nothing to do with the breed or my ego or the dog club or the people – but just because I like finding ways of interacting with the animals under my charge and getting better and better at that. I loved conformation, I loved agility, and I loved training in general, but not enough to spend time doing it every day, taking lessons, spending money. But here, I do, and I think it’s because there’s something inside of me that wants to be around as much life as possible – and the kind of life that relies on human care.

Here’s a little video of us working them prior to the trial coming up. I’m working on being quiet and calm to model it for Rippa. You’ll hear me sucking in periodically – it’s a weird little tic I got from training long ago that warns a dog they are on thin ice: and it works. And it looks real quiet to the casual observer.

Oh, and PS, the Fury is doing awesome. It’s hard to keep her quiet, but she’s using her leg to walk around and only pulls it up if she’s moving fast (she’s not supposed to, but . . . she’s Fury sometimes you can’t stop it in time).


Here’s my almost-12-year-old dog, a little less than two weeks post traumatic orthopedic surgery . . . on my flipping desk. NOT OKAY. Back in the ex pen she goes. But, it’s funny, you have to admit.

Monday, December 8, 2014

My first NCA trial–and not my last


I don’t really like trials very much of any sort, or pretty much any day that involves sitting around waiting for my chance to go or do something. I go to them because it’s time and because I need to look for dogs I like. Otherwise, I’d be doing something else. I like to be busy.

This weekend’s trial definitely kept me busy. When I got invited to go by the Woods, I of course leapt at it. I imagined I’d probably pay my dues, potty their dogs, wrangle their delightful boy, and learn some things. Instead, they asked me if I wanted to time and I said sure.

Well, in a time trial, that makes me the judge. Woah! In ASCA, you have to go through a fair amount to qualify to be  one. Put championships on your working dogs, have a solid background in livestock management, etc. Then you go through a review and training period and then you’re able to judge. Of course, the judges also are looking for something other than points and time: they’re looking for how the dog gets it done. In these trials, it doesn’t matter. It’s just points, with ties broken by time.

A couple things about NCA (National Cattledog Association) Trials: they’re horseback, you have to have western gear (I guess I better get a new hat, my straw one has seen better days), and the divisions are interesting.

Open – this is the pro category: if you give lessons or train dogs for money, you go in here. You’d think it would be the most competitive category, but I didn’t think it was in the end. Just because you’re a pro doesn’t mean you have the best dog or handling ability.

Intermediate – I think this is if you’ve won too many Rancher classes and have to be somewhere. I’ll eventually get here. And, since people like me get here, it gets competitive. I was shocked to see how well these dog and handler pairs did after watching Open. But, you have a broader pool to pull from.

Nursery – for dogs under 3. Again, you’d think this would be a beginner class, but it really wasn’t. Some dogs were in one of the other two classes and ALSO in this one. Some of the best dogs out there were under 18 months! I couldn’t believe it. Aussies seem to mature slowly compared to the BCs, because these dogs had confident swagger that I’ve never seen in an Aussie at that age to date.

Rancher – it’s kind of a misnomer. This is where I’ll start. It’s the beginner class, but again, not really. The ranchers were mostly actual ranchers and their dogs were awesome.

Bottom line – this is a whole other thing and I love it.


I LOVED their attitude of, “Hey, we give you this job, you seem capable, do it.” I feel like that has never been the MO of the Australian Shepherd world. I wasn’t just doing the timing/scoring with the help of new friends, I was doing the announcing (yay for Toastmasters and being an Emcee at events when needed) and people went out of their way to tell me how much they appreciated my efforts. I loved how they had cards signed in thank you to the people who put the trial on and the sponsors that gave the prizes. Cowboy chivalry is alive and well, friends. Heck, had the environment been the same when I was back in school in the ag program, I might have stayed. I feel like I came out of the weekend with many new, sincere friends. And that I’m now a part of something really organic and cool. In school, I was in the ag dorm in an ag program and I never wanted to look the part. I didn’t want to be a part of it to begin with. I only recently bought a pair of boots to work and ride in. Here, I didn’t care if I didn’t look the part and neither did they. It was just people giving mutual respect and appreciation of people. A really rare thing for any gathering you go to. Beautiful.

So, anyway . . . I put a lot of thoughts together watching these dogs this weekend that I think are fairly interesting if they’re not already obvious:

  • I’ve been thinking this for a while, but this weekend proved it: if your dog has mostly all the tools in its head, stockdog training is really about mileage. That’s it. If you work a lot on sheep, your dog will confidently handle sheep. If you work a lot on ducks, same. And same with cattle. People have been telling me for years that Aussies at National Finals just don’t have grip and power. I think they probably don’t because most of the finals dogs aren’t regularly working cattle – and new cattle. Aussies have a reputation for being barky and bouncy and out of control and from what I saw this weekend, it looks a lot more like the dog just is intimidated by the cattle and doesn’t know what to do. Rippa was like that and she’s settling now. Miles on cattle can make a cowdog.


  • Miles make the dog make sense. Rippa tends to freak out and go for a body shot. I always worry about that because it’s pointless and stupid, but I was sitting with a  lifelong cowboy who has produced some very nice dogs, and he said, “Ehh, that’ll go away when the confidence comes.” I agree, because see above.
  • Cowdogs need bite and lots of it. Terry Martin is always saying that the ASCA stockdog program is weakening cattle dogs because of the sheep/duck requirements to championship. This is because dogs can’t bite those stock, and since it’s 2/3 of the whole point, you end up with dogs who don’t grip cattle first. It’s been really frustrating to me with Fury and now Rippa that they both are a lot more chompy than most dogs I see and it makes trialing harder. It says a LOT that Fury got her started cattle title and doesn’t have ducks and sheep. I saw a LOT of gripping (and took a LOT of photos of it) over the weekend. These dogs had it in spades and even when it got a little wild, everyone was fine with it.  I had a chance to talk to a cowboy helping me out in the box and we got to talking about it. I said I’d seen all these videos of dogs ganging cattle and it seemed like a mess. He agreed. So I said, why all the bite? I mean, people cross breed border collies with pitbulls. He pulls back a bit and says, “You need to.” And he basically says that all these dogs out here need that kind of tenacity or they won’t last in a cattle operation. Day in and day out getting beat up, they need to have the edge to keep doing it for years. That’s why people do the pitbull breedings. Of course, he says, you never know what you’ll get, maybe you’ll lose some things when you do that, too. This, combined with what I saw, made me sad that I was not in a better position to do what I do now with The Fury. She would have been awesome. I specifically bred Rippa to take the edge off a bit, and she is a lot more thoughtful, but she’s missing the balls-out bit that would make her last years in and years out working hard stock.  At least, theoretically.
  • Buying and selling dogs. My friend told me that he used to train crossbreds and sell them at auction but then he figured that purebred dogs with papers made more money, so that’s what he’s doing now. I figured the market would bear whatever the best dog was. Au contraire. Lines matter even in the working cattle dog world.
  • Puppies in ranch homes. He also said that if you had a rancher that had never had a dog before, you’d better place a finished dog with him or make sure you give him some lessons. Otherwise, he’s not going to know how to use the dog and he’ll tell his friends your dog is a piece of crap and that’s how your reputation goes badly. But, once a rancher has a finished dog, he’ll know how to use the next one and start it as a pup. This is a good reason why a lot of Aussies aren’t in working ranches anymore: people don’t start and sell started/finished Aussies. I know Norm Andrews wanted to do that, but too bad he isn’t here to talk to anymore.

Shannon asked me after it was all over if I felt ready for the next one. I told her not yet – my dog doesn’t mind well enough and she’s got to get some more confidence before we go in. There’s a trial Easter Weekend I might be ready for if I get enough mileage in. There’s a lot riding on me representing Aussies well if I’m going to do this – I’m conscious of the prejudice and, honestly, if the Aussie has no place on the ranch any more, there’s definitely no point in breeding working ones with reserved attitude, bite, etc when there’s plenty of lovely family pets and trial dogs for people to pick from. There’s also plenty of people trying to get me to switch to BCs next time (and at this point I know what I’d get if I did), but I’m more than ever encouraged to go as far as I can with Rippa and start with a new generation to see where it takes me. Keep learning, keep looking, the world just keeps getting richer and richer.


Friday, December 5, 2014

Stockhandling: I should know better

I keep this blog mostly for myself to track what I’m doing and  thinking and to just get it down. It’s public because I figure some people can get some good out of it here and there, and also so many people have helped me when I had issues after I posted here.

This is one of those posts that’s definitely a mix of both.

First, The Fury ruptured her CCL (ACL in humans) and we decided to go ahead and get the TPLO surgery on her so she can get back in action. I had a feeling it would happen. She’s an athlete that does not really think much about what’s happening with her body because her head is in the game. The older she gets the more I worried about it, but I’m of the school of let them enjoy it if they do. She blew it cornering on sheep, but she could have easily done the same thing playing fetch.

She’s an intense little dog for a 12 year old and I have a feeling that unless something horrible happens, she’s still got a lot of time with me left and I’m not going to let it be hurty and depressing for her. So, she’s got hurty and depressing for a few months instead. 

They say they have a 50% chance of blowing the other side and “the vets don’t know why that is,” but as an athelete with some decent sports medicien knowledge . . . it’s pretty obvious. If there’s a weakness, it will get exacerbated. A dog limping on a limb for months and compensating and then going right back to hard work without therapy and probably some ongoing work is totally going to compromise the weaker side. I’m feeling pretty good about things on that end, but again, she blew the first one in the first place and the plan is not to restrict her fun when she’s ready.

I set her up in a pen in the office and she is sooooo sad and it’s only day one.  We’ll get through it. So much for trialing her in January! Oh well!

When we dropped her off for surgery, we then headed over to the Woods to work some calves. I am sure I’ve mentioned this before, but the Woods are always switching out their livestock to keep things fresh which I love. I’m so used to people keeping a set flock of sheep and just replacing older ones, but this new stock all the time does a lot for me and the dogs on the handling things. There’s no getting used to patterns. It’s different in some ways and similar in others.

What do I mean? Well, the animals are different so a dog and a person can’t settle into, “Oh, well, that’s how I work THAT animal” mentality. It’s the same in that the stock handling principles become really apparent.

I work my chickens pretty regularly with the dogs, too. When the Spring comes, grasses stop being dormant and start popping up everywhere. In my old house, I’d just let them loose to mow the lawn and let the Fury hold them from going into the street or bushes, but in the house, the grasses pop up in the mulch and fake riverbed in front, so I pulse graze them with an ex-pen.


The neighbors love it. Seriously.

I generally use Rippa for this because the mileage has paid off and she is really good at moving them faster than me alone while also team working it with me.

Anyway, the point I’m making is that a day after Thanksgiving, one of the neighbors came over with me herding them into the pen and asked how it was I was able to herd them at all and I told them about this hobby of mine, and it’s true. There are basic tenets of stockmanship, that, once you understand it, apply to pretty much everything. Watching the eye, understanding pressure and the direction things will flow in avoidance . . . Chickens aren’t hard to work at all if you know what you’re doing and they’re not tame enough to blow you off. In fact, last year a bird flew into the house at night and could NOT figure it and it took me settling and realizing it was heading toward light sources, so we just turned off the lights, opened the door and had the porch light on. Fixed.

Anyway . . . we’ve got Rippa entered in a trial in a month and my main focus right now is getting her to mind me more responsively (aka, “Down” when I say down, not after five or me yelling) and take pens, because I don’t practice that a lot, no real good opportunity.

Both of these hinge on my ability to chill out. I get pretty yelly instead of being consistent and it’s not good. And I also put a lot of pressure on the dog in the take pen. Looking at photos of me, I can see that I probably just need to get out of there.


So, we went to the Woods and Dustin worked with me on getting Rippa to just be easy. Reality is – she gets uncomfortable when she’s faced up close to a cow and I get why. Her instinct is less to run than it is to fight (which is good), so she will take pressure to a point until she needs to break loose and hit something and run to relax. It’s fine with me, that’s something we can work with, but it’s a fact. Our session consisted mainly in having Rippa learn that chilling while facing stopped cattle can be okay, both in the pen and outside.

We have a free-standing pen and Dustin and his dog would work one side and Rippa and I would work another to repen them when she pushed them out and again. After an hour of this, we were getting really great teamwork together and Rippa was starting to get that it’s okay not to bust stuff up when something moves.

I, on the other hand, got a solid reminded to think more.

Dustin asked me with regard to the pen, where I should send the dog. At Kathy’s, the way the pen was set up, it was ALWAYS on a go by and lay down at the back end. It was the lowest pressure way to get them out of the gate and into the arena. So, I never thought much. That’s pretty much how all of the take pens I work are set up, so I told him.

“No,” he said, “Look at your cows.” The heads were facing counter clockwise outward. If I opened a pen wide and sent her on a way to, they would pop right out. If I sent her clockwise, they would have to turn around and probably cause a little dog fight in a tight space before coming out.

OH NO! I KNOW BETTER THAN THAT! Once he realized I wasn’t thinking like that, he started asking me before we sent her in to take them out. It was a great lesson.

During the team work, I also learned something important on my end. I was using Rippa to hold one side and me to hold another while helping her get repositioned, but twice when a cow made a break for it, I would run laterally in that direction and it would spook and overreact, and then Rippa would.

“You did that,” he says. “Next time, don’t move laterally, think about moving  out and back and then laterally.” (AKA, don’t cut my corners, but square off when I take the pressure, like we want our dog to do.)

Again, I SHOULD KNOW BETTER. Shannon says it’s a lot of me worrying about the dog and my handling will get better when the dog gets right, but it was a leap forward in sensibilities for the both of us this time.

Dustin sent me home with toy stock to set up some stuff and practice my strategies. next post, I’ll probably share that with you.

Or, maybe it will be observations from this weekend’s horseback trial. We’ll see!


Me backing up to take pressure off, Rippa minding herself, too.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Trial Entered, goals to work on.

Last time I considered entering a trial, the thought of it made me a little sick, to be honest. This time, I’m reasonably sure I’ll qualify, and I might actually do well. January 4th – so long as I get in. Sheep, ducks, and cattle. And, I’m even entering the Fury. That latter idea might be a bad one, but she’s pretty good – Rippa is better, and why not? Nobody’s going to kill stock, and I can come out of it with more experience and some titles for both dogs.

So now I have have to work on some things that I haven’t: take pens. The course is basically – collect your stock from a pen on one side of the arena, collect the stock wherever they end up once they do that, walk the dogs through panels on opposite corners, and put them back.

I can totally do this with both dogs. But not well, not 100%.

We don’t have taken pens to practice with except with ducks. With ducks, I have it dialed. I went to look at Stephanie’s set ups today while both dogs waited and I basically have a choice of an 8 x 8 panel free standing pen, that weird collection pen with a corner in it, or some big pens that are not “take pens.” I decided to go with the 8 x8 pen, so today was about center pens for both dogs and then taking them out.

Normally, I just have them go on the opposite side of the pen and it goes nicely. But with take pens, the dog is supposed to go in there. That is a very tight space for dogs, me, and sheep.

Kathy trains take pens by having the dog go in on a long line and learning to circle and stop opposite the gate on your command. It’s too small for a long line and I debate using a leash with Fury because she is just so amped that she is good and then if the sheep look at her, she starts heeling and not thinking.

I tried a couple things like having her circle outside the pen to work off the stress, but really, I think I just need the Fury to work on impulse control a bit. I had her grazing chickens the other day and she was whiny and vibrating the whole time with desire to do more than sit there – Rippa, however, has been working a lot more and more often and she’s getting more patient about stuff.

That’s the other goal- work on both of their impulse control and command taking.

I’ve stopped working on Rippa’s drive since the duck quitting and we’re just going back to basic fetches, fixing outruns, and working on finite handling understandings. It’s really fun to watch her work stuff out without me saying much – though she still gets excited and starts getting pushy and I have to correct her.

When I trial, I have to think of it as more a training session than anything else or I have the potential to go backward from what I have got. Rippa made her practice run quite nicely, but she would get excited and push too hard and had to clean things up. Fury is always excited and pushing hard but my strategy with her is to just down her way off her stock because she’s so intense, her control is from very far away. The closer she gets to me, the more intense she gets. That’s bad for the take pen. But we’ll get it sorted.

I’m also working on introducing whistles. Right now it’s just “down.” I whistle, then yell down. Both are getting it, but I think they believe it means more “HEY PAY ATTENTION!” right now.

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But that works. It’s sparkly.

And finally, just as I was finishing up the last outrun with the Fury, she comes up lame and won’t walk on her left rear leg. Noooooooooooo.

I’m super sensitive to the fact that she’s almost 12 and that knee injuries can be kind of common and lay a dog up so I have been very careful with how she plays with Rippa and does other stuff to watch this. She was coming in too hard to stop a runaway sheep and the ground at Stephanie’s is pretty rocky, so she probably came down wrong. I’m hoping she just tweaked it, but she’s hopping around right now and I’m worried. I’ll give it a day or two and if there’s no improvement, to the vet I go. I keep poking on it and looking for pain reaction but she’s not giving me much so I’m hoping it’s just a tweak – we all tend to do that. And now she’s banished to the down palace in our bedroom. Tough dog life.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Ducks back on!

Today I went back out to my ducks after a month-long break. To be honest, I was a little worried about it. I really didn’t want Rippa to be over ducks forever, but I was resigned to it being a possibility.

I tied her up and used Fury to get them out. We’re down to seven now as apparently Jennifer found one of the drakes dead the other day, no explanation. Ducks! I’m hoping the learn to brood some of the eggs the ladies are dropping or I’ll have to buy more in the spring just to balance out the ratios there. I read somewhere that it’s good to have all drakes, but Jennifer and I agree it’s good to have eggs, too.


Fury was a good little animal. I worked on her commands off them and she took them nicely, working the little guys much less stressfully that I would expect for her having to take over the job of moving them out of their pen and into the center. She’s learning to control her instinct a LOT better.

Then I put her up and got Rippa out. I went into it feeling soft, not asking for much, just that she doesn’t bowl them and I got that. She took advantage of me being soft at first and wasn’t honest with them at all, but once I gave her some correction, she started thinking again. I started her wrong. Must remember that.

The ducks, for their time off, are more subtle and take more thoughtful handling as they’re less inclined to move toward me, which is what I wanted anyway. It was really fun! I didn’t say a lot to Rippa and she worked out the problems as she needed to. I could see the obstacle work with Shannon really paid off here. I put her up quickly while she was happy and eager and brought Fury down one more time.

By then, the ducks had had it, so I just put them back up. I do need a bigger flock if I want to keep working. I could have divided them into two small groups, but I figured it was better to turn both dogs on with a bigger one that would be more forgiving.

Anyway, it was pretty great. I couldn’t be more happy with the dogs right now.

And then we went riding with V through a ranch adjacent to the ducks!


Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Space to think and not just feel

I gave a speech yesterday at my Toastmasters club about how the way to achieve more is to learn how to manage the stress that achievement brings with it.  In the middle of the speech (I speak mostly off the cuff), I connected something I’d seen recently with dogs to the point I was making.

This video was posted a while back on someone’s page, asking for what we thought of it.

Shelter Behavior Training - Aggression Toward People from Bound Angels on Vimeo.

People heavily into positive and clicker training obedience thought what the guy was doing here was wrong, and cruel. However, I think what he’s doing here is right. The dog has all these intense emotions and is operating on instinct. He can’t learn like that. He can only learn by finding an alternate way to deal with those feelings. That means making him strongly pay attention to other stimulus and see that flight is an option, not just fight. And . . . it worked. The dog started thinking instead of just feeling.

This is totally a stockdog thing, though I don’t think I’ve heard it articulated anywhere before. I always explain to people that my dogs are more edgy than usual dogs because when a cow says, “No,” they’ve been bred to instinctively react in fight mode to that. People, me included, don’t always come prepared for that and can really mess up how a dog interacts with the world if you don’t fully understand that.

But you’re going to get horrible messes if all they do is react with fight mode and instinct. You’ve got to have that space to think and react, too.  Training your dog (and you) needs to include this part of it, too. When a puppy and new handler first start, it’s usually the handler all thinking and the puppy all feeling and the magic happens when there’s a balance.

That’s what I’ve been working on with Rippa. She is getting to a point where it’s not just “wahoo!” whenever she’s on stock, but she’s thinking and applying the lessons we’ve used (like going around obstacles rather that going in tight, taking square flanks, and just balancing herself to me and the stock) more and more. She’s better on goats and sheep because she’s had more time on them. She understand them, and there’s no threat to her.

With cattle, though, she starts out pretty excited unless I put the screws to her in the beginning. I’m doing flank commands off stock and “outs” as well as plain obedience, then I go in, move the stock with her on a down stay and show her they’re mine, and then we go to work and things are nice. I saw a lot of thinking out there today and a lot of really good decisions when she had space to make them.

But, if she has to break into a run, you can see her brain start panicking and she goes for dumb moves – coming in too close to them, taking high bite shots (and getting kicked), etc. Experience is what she needs (and what I need) in this department. We’re both finding a balance between tightening the screws on her and just letting her work. Shannon wants me to be able to get more sharp responses because a foot or two can make a difference, but I also have to balance it with Rippa’s need to work independently of me, too.

I’m reading Bob Vest’s book right now to see what he has to say and one of the things I’ve got so far out of it is this thing about 55 gallon drums. You can have a dog with 55 gallons of confidence, but if you undermine the dog with bad handling and training, you lose a little in ever session (I feel like I did this with Fury). You can have a dog with 25 gallons and you can use that dog, but you might never get 55 unless you work on it – I feel like that with Rippa. And then anything less, you’re going to be working hard, but you have to do it. I don’t think a lot about building confidence in dogs when training, but the agility people have this part down. I think that’s why Rippa isn’t trialing well when I take her to agility trials – I’ve not built her confidence up because I assumed she was a 55 gallon dog like Fury and didn’t need to.

Now to figure out how to do that, exactly.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

It’s Time to Trial (well, kinda of)

I only say this because I could trial tomorrow, but it’s not looking like I’ll actually MAKE a trial until after the new year. So, don’t get excited.

I last left you pretty frustrated but trying to make the most of it with Rippa. I keep saying it’s not linear but we so want it to be! Rippa refusing to work ducks and turning off on Stephanie’s sheep made me take a step back and re evaluate my goals, my dog, and, most importantly, my beliefs.

You don’t get into dog training unless you’re a control freak in one way or another, and that can make it really hard to believe in something because EVERYONE believes in something and if you’re not lock-step behind them, you’re going to have some trouble with it.

As I get older and get better at being me (aka, living in my own skin), I’m doing a lot better on the realizing this earlier and making calls. Same with Rippa. After talking to Joey Judd about what his dogs were/are like, I have to remember that it was never my goal to have perfect trial dogs. There are plenty of those. I don’t need perfect family dogs. There are scads of those. What I need is a dog that I can say to a rancher – this dog will take minimal training and help you. These things can include the others, but they don’t have to.

And so, I backed off all the fine tuning stuff, no circling around the stock and me to set up drives, no hard flank work, none of it. Just fetching and setting up chores. And, taking advantage of the fact that I have all the time in the world, not letting the dogs actually work.

Rippa hasn’t been on ducks for a while now, but she’s got to watch Fury do it and it’s driving her nuts. Good. Be bummed about missing out. We’re taking a break because I’m deep in my work season right now anyway, but when I go out again, it will be to torture Rippa by working Fury again. Muahahaha.

I realized I had some holes in Rippa’s training and have started taking Stephanie’s sheep out to a big alley way to work on driving, control, etc in tight spaces. She is learning that she can drive easy and still control (rather than chase because they’re running away) and she can’t get out wide enough to go to their heads at a full run, but she’s able to do it in the narrow chute if she approaches slowly and easily. I’m keeping sessions short and positive and Rippa is happy.

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Sooooo happy. She’s tired.

We’ve been working on obstacle stuff with Shannon’s help, too. She’s learning that non-takepen/holding pen obstacles don’t mean she has to lose her stock and she’s figuring out to make that happen, as well as negotiate obstacles in general (aka, in her way). Shannon and Dustin’s setup is a lot tighter than Stephanie’s because their training goals are different. I really like the balance because we can work on distance and outruns at Stephanie’s and work on all the nitty gritty stuff at the Woods and come up with  a balance.

Rippa’s mom Fury is coming along, too. Today I actually had a thought that I might be able to finish her WTCh in her old age if I pick my cattle well. (I don’t need her getting hurt to do it.) We’ve been working short sessions with her on sheep and she’s learning to balance and that I hold my end now.  The difference between when she started with Stephanie's sheep to today is night and day. I’m definitely going to finish her started sheep title (she needs a leg) and ducks when I’m ready to go out there. It’ll take more mellow control on her part to get to open, but I’m feeling like its possible. Stephanie thinks it’s much to do with her getting older, and that might be it, but I like to not think like that. Fury isn’t much different at almost 12 as she was at 4 in temperament or physical ability – I’ve noticed it’s harder for her to climb stuff, but she still does it – what’s changing is MY attitude and MY handling more than her aging.

One of the things I’ve started doing before working is taking my time with that. I lay the dog down outside the gate and give flanks until they stop thinking STOCK STOCK and start listening to my commands. When they ease up and take them, I go to the gate, drop them, and walk in, leaving them. I might move the stock around a bit until the dog eases up and lets it be my job before I let the dog in. This is working brilliantly to get soft, easy starts at the first go.

So, no, it’s not linear. I went back to basics with Fury and Rippa, but it’s going well and I’m getting more out of them both. Fun fact: I was a college professor for almost a decade and occasionally I would substitute for junior high and high school. What I taught at the college level was the SAME thing being taught in lower levels.

It’s not linear. We learn, we use, we stop using, we forget. One must always go back and work on the basics to get advanced work, even if it’s just a tune up. ESPECIALLY if you don’t use it very often or consistently.

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The Naked Fury

Friday, October 10, 2014

A Little Update and an Interlude

So . . . almost accidentally, we bought a house by the sea and moved in. It is a fixer upper, and being people who don’t rest on our laurels, that’s pretty much all we’ve been doing with it since we took possession of it. The very first day I put plants in the ground because the previous owner never did. Then there was scraping and painting and reinstalling. We’re still working on the inside and will be for a few months, I think. And then there’s the backyard.

Oh, and my husband and I decided to open up a second location for our non profit climbing gym, in the midst of the busiest season for our for-profit event business.

What I’m trying to say is I haven’t been working dogs that much.


Aww, but she’s a time suck. I never expected that to be the case because I’ve been taking care of rentals like they’re my own forever. But now I can’t blame the landlord for it looking bad. It’s a compulsion. It must be fixed up. Much more to come in the front yard, but this is it for now.

Anyhow, that’s not to say I haven’t been working. I’ve gotten out a handful of times since then. And probably for good, too.

Remember my problem with Rippa and the ducks? Still no good. She won’t even do chores now. She’ll give it one half-hearted go and it’s over. The ducks still move off her so I can grab her and move them but she will just come over, suck up, and ask to do anything but that. Unless I let her go crazy on them. So, Rippa is on duck-time-out.

She was showing hints of doing this with sheep, too, at Stephanie’s place. But not at the Woods’.

I was so upset about it that I ended up deciding to go on a heritage search and contact anyone I knew that had her bloodlines too and figure it out. Tracey, of C-Me, reminded me that Fury’s mother (Rippa’s grandmother) didn’t like ducks, either. I started talking to more people about dogs just plain not interested in working ducks and sometimes sheep and wanting to give up, and it seemed to be coming from Spike. But then, someone didn’t have Spike, but they had Judd’s Chickasaw Dan.

And, lo and behold, I suddenly am on the phone with Joey Judd – which was pretty exciting. He talked to me for a solid hour about people, about dogs, about all of it. What I realized from that conversation is that Rippa is working exactly how you’d expect for me linebreeding on Dan. She’s got serious power with the cattle, and she’s getting frustrated on sheep and ducks as Joey mentioned his dogs were wont to do.

So, check it out, what happened? It’s probably that I’ve been working way more interesting stock at the Woods: goats and cattle, and she’s like, “Eff this other stuff.” She does work sheep fine at the Woods, so I’m wondering if there’s something about Stephanie’s sheep or the stuff I do there because it’s so much bigger of a space. I guess we’ll see!

And should I get upset about the fact that Rippa’s not amped on the little beasties? No. I wanted to breed cattle dogs. I got a cattle dog. If I keep wanting to breed for cattle dogs, she’s awesome. She’ll still work my chickens happily, too, but she’s getting a massive break from the ducks.

Actually, last time I was out there, she got to do nothing but cry as the Fury did her thing, and another guest was out working, too. I met this guy Roland and his red border collie at Stephanie’s. He trials ASCA and needed ducks to warm up on, and I said sure. Well, he comes out and his dog is great. He’s all apologetic about how she’s too hard on them, but man, my dogs are way harder (of course, they’re at the started level and his bitch is trying to finish a WTCh). It’s all about perspective.

I was supposed to trial with the Woods this fall but we’ve not put enough time in (and now I have no time with work and house), so they are off killing it on the cattle circuits in California and Oregon right now.

I posted to the California ASCA trial and show list about upcoming trials and so now it’s time to sort through them and pick one or two and just suck it up and go. I’m terrified we’ll do badly, but I guess I have to get over it. We’ll be fine. Let my dog work and me just concentration on the job and get ‘er done.

When I know my dates, I’ll post them here so there’s no backing out (unless I don’t get in).

Until next time . . .

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Warts and all

I started this blog mostly for me – I wanted a way to track my ups and downs and remember my thoughts. I’m a huge fan of journaling for this reason because for me – how far I’ve come never seems far enough until I look back. But there are always bumps in the road.

We’ve kind of hit one.

The last month or so, Rippa has totally quit me. Not, “Hey, I am leaving the arena” but more of a sulky, “Please, I don’t know what you want, I don’t know how to do that” reaction with some hopping up on me, following me around, and generally not taking direction at all, even simple things like ‘get around’ to start an outrun.

It was really scary. To go from bragging on how we’ll we’re improving and being ready to trial to having a dog act like she has no will to do it, no talent, no instinct, what?

At first I blamed it on her heat, because that’s an easy out, but I doubted it was really the issue. Last time I was on ducks, we did our usual chores, took them out of the take pen, started doing some obstacles and after trying to get them through a center chute – Rippa just quit trying.

And I really don’t know what to do in that scenario. Stockdog people say don’t let them get away with that, so I tried to force it. It didn’t work. Then I tried running around moving the stock like I was getting a puppy excited about it. Nope. I put her up, put Fury to work, made her jealous, but when I started up again, nope. I worked them together and that went okay, but it’s really hard to work dogs on ducks. They can’t take pressure or they quit and then the dogs aren’t finnessy enough to figure out the team work thing where rougher work will work with cattle etc.

I wrote to Kathy Warren, who told me Rippa’s always been a little weird about pressure and to just go back to chores (but make sure they’re done nicely) and fun stuff. I talked to Pat Lambeth, whining about how I’d never seen such a complete transformation. Pat asked me if I had done anything really different lately.

I had! A month ago, Dustin had me do obstacles with Rippa. Up to this point, I do them occasionally, but it’s mostly just ground work. We had no issues with that on cattle, but he also added some extra mechanical stuff – he put her on a line to try to make her rate herself faster than she was doing naturally (she gets pretty excited on stock on the first go), and the pop he gave her scared the crap out of her – so much so that she quit trying on cattle and just drifted behind them until we put her up.

With ducks, we’ve been working obstacles ever since. She likes the take pen – she gets that, but center chute? I lose them! Not only does she think she loses them, she does. When they see the back fence where home is, no amount of dog pressure is going to have my duckies come off the fence – they want to go home. Obstacles came to mean futility. Never mind trying to get them off the fence when they were tired. So Rippa quit. I would pick the ducks up and reset them in the middle and that probably wasn’t a great move either because she was probably waiting for me to move them since she felt she couldn’t.

By the way, she can, with patience. Fury’s able to do it, though Fury has a lot more power and eye than Rippa. You have to work the dog you have, not the one you want.

Anyway, I almost canceled my Wednesday night session with the Woods but Shannon thought she could help me through it and I tend to agree. So what’d they do – put us on baby goats. That was a new one.  I thought, at first, that the goats needed space, but what they needed was super tight pressure to get the kids moving. Rippa LOVED that. She had to gently heel their little hinds to get them to move and she had a real hard time getting them off the fence, but between the noises and the biting and the total novelty of it – she was on again!

We moved on to their new goats – that’s something I love about going there, they change out stock ALL the time. I don’t think I’ve worked the same set of stock more than a handful of times that I’ve been there.  It went well. No issues. Was she fixed?

I asked the husband to come along with me today to work ducks and she did it again. We got going, she got the ducks out of the take pen and parked, but when they drifted back to the draw of the pen, she gave up.

“What’d I do?” I asked him.

”Nothing, but damn, yeah, she really quit!”

I had him call her in and send out Fury. I worked the ducks back and forth with Rippa in plain sight while Fury did fun things like outruns and fetching until Rippa was quivvering. Then I let them both work the ducks. Again, this isn’t something I’d do with other people’s animals, as two dogs at once is kind of rough on the ducks. The dogs don’t bite them or anything, but sometimes they’ll end up on top of them or in between them and it’s not pretty, but it gets Rippa excited and moving. I was pretty impressed with how both dogs took my commands so well together.

After a minute or so of that (it was hot), I had huz call Fury off and Rippa was game to play again, fetching all over the arena. I didn’t try anything fancy, just wanted to keep her motivated and happy. We quit quickly and all was good.

So . . . it looks like I need to build some confidence back up. I was working on so many new things – perfect distance outruns, flanks, driving, obstacles, adding stuff like a line, etc and Rippa is so situational that she doesn’t take it easily. She needs to understand what the thing is fully to do it with full commitment.

I don’t love that about her – it makes her slower to train to be effective, but I think it’s fine. She’s reliable on the chickens at home and she’s great at bringing stock off the hills or to get sorted because she understands it. If she were a little ranch dog, she’d get the game easily and that’s all I’d need. She might take extra work to be a precise trial dog, but that’s not the goal here anyway. I want dogs I can get in ranch homes that can go to work with minimal formal training  - so far so good there.

Where did this come from? Fury’s not remotely like Rippa in this way. In fact, Dustin put Fury on his goats with the husband attempting to handle (he’s pretty clueless, as you’ll see). Fury doesn’t quit if she doesn’t understand – she just goes harder. I talked to a number of people who have Rippa’s relatives and I guess it’s a pretty consistent thing. The dog I linebred on (it looks like Spike – Andrew’s Red Chickaspike) seems to have a fairly reliable incidence of dogs who would get sulky if they didn’t get something right away and need a confidence build up. To be clear, I’m not blaming Spike, nor saying all his relatives are like that, but it seems like that side of the line has it in there.

So, good to know. If I breed Rippa, it needs to be a super confident dog to improve that.

Anyway, so some more work to go, but we’re not ruined yet!

And bonus: here’s the video of 11.5 year old Fury working goats:

Oh! And the ducks are now laying! Green eggs:


It’s inspiring me to make things like this epic French Toast I had for breakfast:


Thursday, August 28, 2014

Shut up and Rippa is not a border collie

At the end of my session yesterday, Dustin asked me what I’d learned, and I told him, “Shut up and Rippa is not a border collie.” Hence the title. (I think I told him that.)

Last week we took a break because she’s been acting kind of weird and wanting to quit, which I attribute to coming into heat. She is out of it now that I can tell but still a little sucky-uppy so when I went to sheep and ducks this week, I kept our sessions short. Watching her work the ducks, it occurred to me that her outruns aren’t actually bad anymore. She goes at it with appropriate speed – but still a lot straighter than a pretty arc to lift them. But it still works. Whatever she’s doing doesn’t affect the stock until she gets closer and she’s still controlling bringing them to me as if she were making pretty arcs.

Working sheep, I tried it again – we were fetching across the entire field (it’s got to be a two-acre field) and she would start out with her shoulder wide, but then turn in and go straight. But instead of making the sheep move off, they still sat there until she got close enough to get behind them and fetch them. My thought is this: she’s learned how to read her sheep (these sheep are pretty light, too), and she isn’t wasting energy on pretty arcs if she doesn’t need to. I think I’ve done a decent job showing her what I want with flanks and she’s taking over the job now.

It does NOT look like what Shannon and Dustin’s dogs do in a number of ways:

1 – it’s not that fast. She goes in at a walk or trot to do it, so that’s probably why she doesn’t need to arc.

2 – She’s not “snappy” or “precise” like how their dogs and Fury works. She responds, but she does it in time and she’s loose eyed enough that you don’t even know if she’s really trying to do anything or not, but it happens.  She’s less interested in responding to me than to just getting the job done (and I will tell you, I make a lot of bad calls on commands and I talk a lot).

3 – the super big arc out of contact with the stock isn’t there, but, like I said, that might be directly related to #1.

Basically, what it looks like to me is that as Rippa gets more experience with the stock and she feels less adrenaline about the job, she’s slowing down and thinking and she’s understanding what she’s supposed to do and doing it.

We tried, on sheep, to get a batch of them out of the field and into the round pen so I could work on Fury’s issues, but it wasn’t happening. The sheep were just too boogered. They seem a lot more flighty than they used to be, maybe because there are more and even when I sort out my faithful ones, they’re a little sour to things or feeding off the herd mentality which is lighter. It was a new chore for Rippa so she didn’t really ‘get it’ and I feel like it’ll take time for her to take over that job confidently. Nice thing, though, is I know how sheep work enough to know that taking on that task when Stephanie wasn’t around would be fine. They weren’t going to get lost if we failed. Sheep magnetize to what they know like all herd animals, so if they ran away, I was sure to find them by a pen somewhere and they were happy to run home when I gave up.

I pulled out Booger Ram (I’m sure Steph has a name for him) to work with the heavy sheep and while I was working Fury he was getting impatient with her tendency to dive bomb and started fighting rather than moving. Fury was worried less about him than the light sheep trying to escape so she never had to fight him (I don’t really want her too, since she’s 11 1/2 and I would like to keep her injury free and her remaining teeth in her head), but that meant Rippa got another work.

Booger Ram tried it on Rippa again and she was awesome. Calm walk up again, waiting for me to tell her what to do while he stamped at her, and when I said, “Hit him!” she was like, “you betcha!” Great direct hits on the poll, commitment, and then backing off like he needed to get the point. Here’s a photo after her work, knowing she’s a stud now.


I think working ducks really helped with that stuff. Both Fury and Rippa are more apt to back up on stock (ducks or sheep or cows) than they were because the ducks don’t just run faster if you put more pressure on them: they stop. There were times that the sheep would stop because they’d had enough of running, and both dogs backed up until the sheep moved again. Useful stuff, that!

Yesterday, Dustin started me out on  a new flock of goats and I told him I think I yell at Rippa too much because she’s doing the job even if it’s not how I want it to look and he agreed, so I tried really hard not to do anything but handle with body language. We had to put a line on her because the goats didn’t want to flock and they were REALLY exciting, which then brought down her excitement and by the end she was working slow and methodical and teaching them to fetch to me. It was awesome.

We went up to cows in the obstacle pen and she went and got them off the hill for me without any trouble, but I put the line back on her and she kind of lost her interest in it. I don’t know if it’s from last session when Dustin popped her on a line and she screamed and is now not so sure about whether or not she trusts him or what but she wasn’t really super awesome. Holes. It’s cool. She’ll come back. Good stuff everywhere else.

So, shut up, and your dog’s not a border collie. I finally get what that last bit means and why you have to be careful about border collie trainers. They probably also want your dog to work like a border collie. Dustin and Shannon are awesome about letting my dog be my dog and working her for what she is, not what they want, etc. I think it’s really building an all around stockdog.

And all of these different experiences on stock and the kinds of advances we’re making is really showing me how little you can tell about a dog if all it does is train for trialing. A real useful ranch hand or chore dog needs experience to get it down and not every dog has all the heart and go juice to back up the experience.  It’s one thing to take stock around an arena in under 15 minutes, and it’s another thing to work all day on stock that doesn’t know what the program is.

Super grateful to how things are working out. I’d say Kathy retiring has actually been one of the best things to happen to me in my stockdog career (after getting my foundation learning from Kathy) because I was so dependent on the experiences she was providing (and so dependent on doing what she said rather than feeling it and learning it myself) that I wouldn’t have had all of the ones I’m having now.

I’m not sure if I’ll be able to trial this fall because my schedule is insane, but I don’t really care. I’m putting in the time to learn all this and it’ll pay off with really knowing my dog and knowing what to look for in a stud if I decide to breed her because I’ve got the whole picture of what she is and whether she’s what I want to see for my goals.

Anywho, it’s cool.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Mileage is definitely key–and coming into heat is a problem

Last week, Rippa was super flirty with the Woods’ dogs and sure enough, she’s coming into heat. Not standing or anything, just flirty . . . I hadn’t thought much about it until Dustin asked me last night about how I felt I was doing and what my goals were.

I told her about the ram incident and how I was pleased with her, but maybe her confidence was bad. The last work I had on ducks and sheep before going there, she was a mess. She stopped wanting to take flank and Way To suddenly meant WAY AWAY OVER THERE. She was doing great on sheep and our driving was going well, but then her mind just seems to drift.

I mentioned she was in heat.

“Well, that could be some of it?” It’s true –I forget. Cranky pets and cramps can affect it all.

So yesterday we did some exercises. Dustin had me work on getting her outrun cleaner and just thinking and slowing down. He also put a big emphasis on me working on my own stockmanship. I did a couple send outs, but then I had to make Rippa stay while I moved the cattle. They aren’t as light to me so it was a lot harder. Then he had me do some obstacle work – get them around trees or hold them. You’ll see me trying here, but Rippa’s not precise enough (or I am not timing it early enough) to get them to settle right where they need to. He says it shows me holes in training, and it did.

Something I’m noticing from watching these videos (there are a lot of them, you’re just getting parts that illustrate a thought) is that Rippa is doing a lot better than I think she is.

I told him that I thought she was lacking confidence. She seems slow and not engaged to me. This, ha ha, is what Rippa thinking and working seriously looks like. I don’t see the Woods dogs working like that (they’re typically fast moving and responding) and Fury doesn’t work like that (I broke her, plus she’s just a lot more intense naturally), so it’s hard to watch Rippa go about things slowly and not in a “snappy” way and think she’s working. But watching it third person like this – uh, yeah, she is. She isn’t even that slow to respond. It just feels like it handling.

So here I am trying to get Rippa to get the cattle in the area between the two feed buckets up by the camera. It’s not super smooth because I’ve got to put some training on her where she doesn’t take things.

There’s parts in this video where I think she’s blowing off a flank, and she’s not. It just doesn’t look wide enough from my perspective. At the very beginning, I lie her down and she takes a step to turn and face the cattle – staying in contact with them – which in hindsight looks like good instinct against my bad instinct. I need to command her earlier so she can do things like that and stay in control if I’m going to obedience the commands out of her.

I haven’t been using obstacles in training much because I’m working on commands and instinct, but he added some goals and it did indeed show me things to work on for both of us.

Today we went to ducks and sheep and Rippa did a perfect started B course with me.  That’s all I asked for today and that’s what we got. Fury did a decent one, but the ducks were hot (I used the whole flock, which is currently down to 7 since one died mysteriously, two wouldn’t work so I sold them, and one is in my backyard with pins in her leg). I had them hang out in the kiddy pool for a bit and started over: golden success.

Went over to Stephanies and did sheep with Rippa – sorting is a real challenge these days, so that was good. Rippa had a hard time keeping them all together for sorting, but we got it done, and then practiced driving again – going really well. I’m not sure what changed but I think both of us are getting it (and off the fence, too).

Fury had to sit out sheep this time because someone else came to rent and I was in the middle of business calls so figured it was a good time to bounce.

Really happy with how things are coming together and really, really glad I video taped the works so I could see where I needed to fix things.

And now: your moment of happy family zen.

Friday, August 8, 2014

The line between instinct and self control: we have found it.


My view on the way to Stephanie’s.

An interesting thing has happened with Rippa that hasn’t happened with Fury. When I started training Fury again on sheep and ducks, Rippa and Fury worked a lot a like in terms of how they were reading and the control that was happening. Granted, I was giving Fury slack for bad handling mistakes of the past and not working in a few years, but I felt like they were kind of in the same spot with training.

Rippa has utterly surpassed Fury in the last few weeks and the contrast is making it really obvious to me. It may be mileage, but I think it’s more to credit our work on cows than anything.

My dogs have a lot of drive and instinct to DO SOMETHING with animals. It has felt, with both of them, that I have a lot of raw energy that I have to keep under control with my handling, but something has definitely shifted with Rippa.

We’d been working roping steers the last few weeks and they have a way different dynamic than the older cows and the calves the Woods now have. There was this one steer that was a bully to the other one and made it really hard to control the whole herd. Rippa quickly ID’d that steer and wanted to work him and sacrifice the group because she was so annoyed with him (I assume – I felt the same way handing him). But with the careful, patient prodding of what to do with that situation from Shannon, I’ve been handling Rippa different and putting more obedience on things. When she goes to pick them up, I drop her just before her adrenaline takes control and she goes too hard to control them. I call her off the steer, etc.

It, in turn, has given her space to make decisions and think, finally. Our last session on cattle was really nice because she was doing that. A lot of the reason we’re not killing it at this point is that I’m still bad at handling and reading the situation, but Shannon had a nice thought on that: “You’re worried about what your dog is going to do. Keep worrying about her until you don’t have to, then you can worry about what you’re doing.”

But this all really came together on Stephanie’s sheep last time.

She has a LOT more sheep than when we started now because lambing season’s over (though there are some late lambs in the mix) and everyone’s all together again instead of separated out. That means I have a bigger herd to sort from and it’s a little harder because if I try to sort out of the pen she keeps them in, the light ones stay to the front and the heavy ones to the back, so I have to let them all out and then go over to this small, weird shaped pen with a point at the back and sort them into there because the leader sheep go first.

But, never overfill your pen, ESPECIALLY if it has a point at the back that they can get stuffed in.

It’s happened before and it happened again, I had one of the rams in there and when Rippa went to move them out of the pen, he wasn’t having it. Backed up and faced her, stamping, ready to charge. That kind of thing in a little pen isn’t good so I tried a couple things to fix the situation (like sending her on the outside of the pen, but he just rammed the fence), so I ended up putting her on a down and dragging him out by his horns. He was still being a jerk and backed himself into a corner and wouldn’t move. I tried backing Rippa’s pressure up with my stick but he wasn’t having it.

Rippa’s frustrated, but patiently waiting for me to do something. She doesn’t want to walk up on him because he’s going to charge her so she wants help. She literally says, “I don’t want to start a fight with him, but I don’t know what to do.” This, the dog that was bite first, ask questions later six months ago.

So, I told her she could hit him. She did a lot of yelling and feinting to try to make her point, but finally decided he needed some hits, so she would hit, reasses, hit again, reassess. This happened a few times, great shots to the poll until he still wouldn’t move and she hit him in the ear. That worked. For a bit. 

We had to have a couple gos with him, and I got some sheep out to get him moving nicely again (she had to heel the sheep to get them to move out of that little point, which was a bummer – not what I want her take pen experience to be like)– putting him away quickly, but the key was that even with Rippa hitting him, she didn’t let her instinct and stress get the best of her. It was hit, reassess, warn, hit, reassess.  She didn’t get him fixed with the hits, but I really don’t know what she was going to do because he would rather get bit by her than just run and give to the pressure.

Moreover, that would have had her all emotionally charged for her work the rest of the time, but she settled into the basic working jobs just fine . . . penning, working on calling off the top, driving.

I’m still sucking at the driving thing still – I can do fine with it along fencelines, but neither I nor Rippa feel like she’s got control on the drive away from them. It’s fine. I’ve been working on getting better responsiveness before we move on to that seriously.

And talk about giving to pressure – we have a cat who hates the dogs. Fury cannot help herself but to growl on back and charge the cat, but Rippa? She just turns her head away and gives the cat her space.

It’s very cool. I feel like we’ve hit a milestone in maturity with her. I had been wondering if it would ever be a natural, easy fetch and plain work without a lot of me having to watch her – the answer is yes, it is.

Good dog.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

It is starting to come together!

Remember how I said I needed to work on outruns and take pens? Hmm.

So, following yesterday’s cattle runs, I took Rippa and Fury out to Stephanie’s for sheep this morning. I was SO tired. It was a late night accidentally and I could barely keep my eyes open. Perhaps that has to do with it.

When I got Rippa going, on new sheep, nonetheless (not our usual heavy ones – we usually have a rough go of it when I take CA along – which I did today - because my heavy sheep are occupied), things were pretty much close to perfect.

I decided to work on her outruns, but found that she was naturally turning her shoulder out and going out wide without me asking. If she turned in too much, I just had to lay her down and ask again and she’d go further out. If she was going too fast, I just had to ask her to be “easy” and she’s slow to a trot. There was not a single out of control moment. I was doing outruns from 50 meters away and I never do that.

When we did fetching, she balanced up super good and if she got too close, it just took a “no” for her to get out. The sheep actually lined out instead of bunching up because she was chilling out enough to let them naturally cruise along.

I credit this monumental leap in training to Shannon and Dustin (though mostly Shannon lately). They’ve been having me put a little more obedience on her – and ask for more than I usually would – when I work with them. The day before, Rippa was worried about going to a cow on the fence and buzzing, so we had to lay her down before she got close enough to really get in a mess and since the stakes were higher with the cattle, she was down with that. I think that she found that taking my commands kept her safe and helped her be calm and she carried that forward with the sheep today.

The balancing up on the fetch I also totally credit to a method she taught me where you lay the dog down and walk ahead of the sheep, letting them drift and not letting the dog get up until they need to get up because the sheep aren’t feeling the pressure. No commands, you just lay the dog back down if they get up too soon. Otherwise, the dog is allowed to get up and work, and as they start moving faster you slow them down with either a down or an “steady” and if they take it, work continues.

I’m trying it with Fury, who has had a very hard time balancing the sheep because of bad experiences. She works ducks and cattle fine (no, my 11 year old dog isn’t on cattle anymore), but sheep is issues because of my bad handling in the past. Once she gets that relaxation thing and the game, it should go well, too. Pretty neat.

The other thing we “worked” on was take pens. I don’t have a really good take pen setup at any place. The ducks have a full trial setup now, but it’s hard to practice take pen skills on ducks because the are different from other stock and the take pen is so small. That said, we have inadvertantly been doing that because the ducks like to mash in the corner where the door to their enclosure is, so both dogs have learned to be patient and how to get them out of that corner.

Rippa’s been doing pen work via sorting her sheep out at Stephanie’s but it’s a smaller, weirder setup than what you’ll find at a trial. I figured it was good enough to try it today, so I did.

The first go, the sheep got packed into the back of the pen (it’s not square, more like wide on one side and narrow on the other) and Rippa couldn’t get enough space to get around them. Instead of telling her what to do, I let her sort it out. The sheep would stamp at her, and after trying a couple things, she went outside the pen, got into a bow and gave them ugly face and a little bark and they made space. When I got her back in the pen, they came out and she was nose-to-sheep leg, calmly waiting for them to file out. We did it three times before I was satisfied we had that dialed and. . . that was that.

Sometimes I feel like I’ll never get there – so much power and drive and so little perfection on my part and then my dog goes and shows me she’s getting it. It’s one day and she will likely get worse before she gets consistent, but it’s in there. We got this.


Going to work ducks tomorrow and sell my obnoxious call duck and one runner that just refuses to work. Next week we are off – the huz and I are going to do some epic canyoneering and climbing in Yosemite. Give the dogs plenty of time to think about this awesome week.