Monday, September 23, 2013

Back to the arena? Nope

So, today we took another lesson from Stephanie, only this time in the arena. I am going to rent sheep for awhile, but I wanted her help in the arena. Good thing I did.

Not as pretty as the round pen, and there’s a couple issues there that make sense now.

1. Rippa really doesn’t get her job yet. Without me giving instructions, she’s not doing a full fetch – which is what she was doing on cattle, too. Need a lot more mileage in the round pen to show her what I want.

2. I’ve gotta stop yelling and fighting her. I started out with the big stick but Stephanie said I need to trust Rippa because she gets upset whenever I put pressure on her. So, trusting her, I got the smaller stick and just backed up instead of following Rips to push her out at the top. She did pick up clean, but then she just wouldn’t go all the way to head to balance them so we moved back to the round pen.

So, I’ve got some homework and will be back out there Wednesday. Hopefully I can get the huz to video tape me. Stephanie’s method for getting Rippa to give her best is working well, but it’s going to take some getting used to: the quiet, the not freaking when she makes a mistake, the movement away and not toward her, and different stick handling. It would be good to show you visually instead of in writing.

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